
Infertility and Glutathione

What causes unexplained infertility problems? 

If a doctor can't find any cause for couples not conceiving, then there is one cause that is overlooked ---that is OXIDATIVE STRESS.

OXIDATIVE STRESS is the production of more free radicals than the body's antioxidant system can handle, can affect the functions of the ovaries, female tubes and other reproductive organs.

It has been studied to be a factor in unexplained infertility, endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

There is strong clinical evidence to show that men diagnosed with infertility have high levels of oxidative stress that may impair the quality of their sperm.

Scientific studies have demonstrated that low glutathione levels may be linked with infertility and pregnancy complications.

How does one prevent oxidative stress?

Oxidative stress can be prevented by the master anti oxidant found in our cells which is called "Glutathione."

Glutathione reduces the oxidative damage by neutralising the harmful free redicals.

Free radical is an atom or group of atoms with at least one unpaired eletron; in the body it is usually an oxygen molecule that has lost an electron and will stabilize itself by stealing an electron from a nearby molecule; "in the body free radicals are high-energy particles that ricochet wildly and damage cells.

Sources of free radicals:

1. During the energy production process within the cells, free radicals are formed.
2. Presence of toxic heavy metals in the body. ( Mercury, calcium, aluminum, lead, chlorine, iron & cadmium)
3. During normal metabolism of fat, carbohydrates and protein.
4. Stress (endocrine hormones produce free radicals)
5. Low blood supply
6. Pollution (cigartte smoke increases free radicals load tremendously)
7. Over exposure to sunlight and prolonged exposure to x-rays
8. Excessive exercising
9. Toxic chemicals and pesticides. Petroleum based products
10. Processed foods, fried, barbecued and charbroiled food.
11. Toxic products found in furniture polish and paints 

Glutathione helps protect our cells from free radicals.  It is important to take supplements that are effective in raising blood levels of glutathione.

Max Gxl - 1 Month Supply (2015 Packaging) is a patented product released to the public on Feb. 1,  2007 after undergoing 12 revisions in compositions.  It has all the necessary amino acids that will allow our own body to produce increased levels of glutathione and restore vitality to all our cells and organ systems.
Max Gxl is not a glutathione pill.  Glutathione when taken orally is useless since it is destroyed in the intestinal tract.

A list of Pubmed Articles about Glutathione and Infertility:

infertility, glutathuone, Maxgxl, natural supplements

1 comment:

  1. How i got a cure for PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).

    I actually promised myself that i will do this because i never in life thought i would be cured of PCOS because my gynecologist told me there was no cure and because of this i could not take in and get pregnant. I had PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) for 7 years and this was a big pain to me and my husband due to the downcast we felt for not having a child. I experienced irregular periods or no periods at all sometimes, heavy periods, i gained weight (fat). I seeked a cure from one doctor to the other used androgen, clomiphene, metformin and even traveled to different states to see other doctors to no avail. My husband got to know about Dr. ALeta via a testimony he read on the internet on how a woman got a cure and he contacted her with the contact she left. I got the herbal medication and used it for the speculated 3 months that was all i have a son who is just 8 months old. Do not give up just contact her on (aletedwin@gmail.com) on how to get the herbal medication. Thanks and i wish you get cured soon too.
